Sunday, 12 April 2015


A 45-year-old man’s cravings to get a large penis might not have ended as planned as it has cost him the pleasure of ever having sex again.

Micha Stunz, who resides in Berlin has enlarged his penis with silicon injections and now moves about with something that weighs approximately 4.3kg dangling in between his legs.

Micha Stunz from Berlin has gotten more than he bargained after he enlarged his penis with silicon injection.
According to Vice, the current dimension of his new member is seven pounds and as wide as 3.5 inches and as long as 9 inches. How does he manage to carry that about?

Not only is his sex life going to experience a change, Stunz also can no longer get a normal erection as there is no visible growth in size due to the silicon implants.

He has been teased of having a penis that “looks like an ass or a mouth from the front.”

Additionally, Stunz prefers to pass urine while sitting down.

Explaining why he decided to enlarge his penis with silicon injections, Stunz said, “I think the whole thing started 20 years ago when I got a penis pump as a present.

“I was way too curious not to try it out. First, I tried it secretly for myself. But then it happened that I went out pumped up. And I realized that it was a good feeling.”

He added, “I can’t say exactly how much it weighs, I just know that my kitchen scale, which shows up to 6.6lb, hasn’t been enough for a while.

“After you reach a certain size, you can’t do certain things any more. At least not with everyone and not without some foreplay.

“But there are other things you can do with it. You just have to free yourself from established roles and ideas about sex and be ready to play.”

Speaking about why he chose to enlarge his penis, “‘I had the feeling that I wasn’t trapped in the body I was born with, but that I had the possibility to shape it myself to change it.”

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